In addition to providing the highest quality pre-engineered fans on the market, Dynamic Fan Corporation can do so much more for you. We have the capability to design our fans to fit into any application you may need. If you need a fan that will simply be bolted in place without any modifications to ductwork and flanges we can do that. We can repair any industrial fan or make any replacement parts regardless of the fan manufacturer.
Our fans are tested and balanced on state -of-the-art machinery and certified to meet the required design specifications before they are shipped.
Using the correct materials, DFC builds fans for a wide variety of environments including
- extreme abrasion resistance
- corrosion resistance
- high temperature
- spark resistance
Here are some of the services that we offer at Dynamic Fan Corporation
- fast delivery of standard and custom fans and accessories
- custom designs for retrofitting into existing product lines
- online access to our proprietary Fan Selection Program
- complete line of accessories and options
- product selection assistance
- repair and or re-building of existing fans regardless of manufacturer
- expedited shipment services
- fast turn-around on emergency orders